Just added...two new shorts that precede the upcoming Wick book:
The Answer to Everything
George and Isaac
There's still some tweaking to be done...I cannot figure out why the type is so small (at least on my end) and despite trying to set it to a larger size, it's just, well, tiny. I don't know about you, but that tiny print is super hard to comfortably read.
So, I'll try to compile all three available shorts into a downloadable format and then add them to this post. It might be a link to Book Funnel, or Draft2Digitial, not sure which yet; it will depend on which seems most user-friendly for this.
[EDIT: If you have a Kindle, try downloading it from this link: http://thewickchronicles.com/Just-Before-Everywhen.mobi
If you have another e-reader, try this ePub: http://thewickchronicles.com/Just-Before-Everywhen.epub ]
These two shorts are basically just stuff that comes before the book; it's been 10 years in the Wick universe, and The Answer to Everything helps fill in some gaps and is a way to get to know teenaged Rhys a bit better. It's first draft material, and we're aware that the ending is kind of abrupt...but it works for what this is: a preview of sorts.
George and Isaac is kind of an info-dump. It's not necessary to the overall story, but this tiny bit of info about Isaac hints to his inner struggles. I wanted to show how George--who has a past of pretty awful things--has become a compassionate father, and is becoming a good person. It's a small bite that just didn't fit in The Lost Boys of Everywhen, but somehow mattered to me.
The book is in editing, and so far the feedback is positive. The Big Thing under discussion is not what I expected: under whose name will this be published? Mine or Max's? My name was added to the Wick series as a just-in-case thing, and with him gone, the just-in-case is an in-case thing, but no one is certain that shifting the author name to me is the right thing.
It may be published under Max's name, with hopes that readers understand that, while he's gone, I really do consider all the Wick books to be his.
Still, if we use his name, that cements his name as my pseudonym. And while we all know what's behind the Kitty-Author Curtain...I'm not sure that's what his readers and friends want.
And for some reason, my proposal of having K.A. THOMPSON PRESENTS MAX THOMPSON'S THE LOST BOYS OF EVERYWHEN went over like the proverbial lead balloon. "There's only so much cover real estate, you know. We need space for the actual COVER."
I'm sure we could fit a tiny cat in there somewhere.